Hey buddies ,
wat a big family Bro,Sis, Bhanja, Mama, Masee and Grandma. wow, thats wat called E-Family

... Just kidding ,...
Dore ,
Thanx for the advice, if you're talking about me, that wat kind of pump i m using, then, i m using syringe pump, company " Medis Italy " and Product Name " Infusa-T ". but now i m planing to start Desferal, IV .

for the advice again ,
Sharmin Sis ,
i m glad to hear that Little-A is contnously scoring goals in every match , Way to go Little-A

and please convey my message to Little-A ,
Hi Litlle-A ,

buddy , for the wishes , its nice to hear that you will right a message for me, i m wating for your message very eagerly , soo please dont forget yaar(buddy) ... oh Yes BTW

Buddy for keeping the habbit alive of scoring goals in every match , way to go buddy , keep it up ,i believe that, one day you will be a professional Ice Hockey player and the Star of this game , and i m sure abt it ... soo , Take good care of your self buddy .. and find A in emoticons below :

Editied : Star*
Best Regards
Take Care