Sharmin ,
Best of Luck for Little-A's Tx and Ritux ( All The Treatments ) ,

My Reports not arrived in Lab yet , hopefully that will arrive at 1900hrs ( its 1700hrs ) , as the reporting time starts from 1900hrs , i m a little confused about the results ( e.g.. wat would b my S.fe) , but i mhopeful that it will below 1500ng , .. Thanx for the good wishes .... Always praying for Little-A

SF ,
Why did you start on IV Desferal?
Buddy , i started IV bcoze i was having symptoms of Congestive heart Failure, soo Andy and all other told me to Start IV desferal bcoze IV desferal remove's the iron from heart more effectively/quickly , soo i started IV contineusly for 63 hours ( almost 3 days ) , ... i wanted to complete 72 hours but i was feeling a little ( very little ) lump on my arm , i felt that it is begining of swelling so i decided stop it just before reaching to the mark of 3 days ... and in those 63 hours i took 12 vials Desferal of 500mg ...
How're your SF levels now?
According to my last S.Fe Report it was 2330ng , and i havn't recieved my latest S.fe report yet . You can read all the details of my Chelation plan under this thread , here's the link : its a pretty long thread soo i m wuoting a few thing to that but i will recommend you to read completely bcoze i think it would be helpful for youu to understand the complete pic ...
since Janaury 2009 when my S.fe was 2330ng i started more agressive chelation plan, that is :
i used to take 6 days chelation for 24 hours in gap between 2 Transfussions (12 days ) and 3 vial of Desferal everyday .... last 4-5 times i increased the no# of desferals from 6-8 for the same time ...
Generally, you can take more desferal through the IV than the SubQ. I believe for our weight, desferal of around 8g/24 hrs is toxic. Anything below that should be fine but it's not recommended to go THAT high on dosage, especially if you're not much iron overloaded.
well, i m afraid of desferal's toxicity and side-effects soo m pretty much carefull about it , i first increased the dose of desferal when i was wearing Pump (IM) , i used to take 8 vials and 40ml water for that , i havn't got any lump on the site of desferal but site ( only where the needle was inserted only that area of 2-3cm ) was hardened for couple of days .... i used thigh for that chelation day ... but that wasn't soo disturbing , next day i did the same on second thigh after that i did the same on belly ( on belly i reduced 1 vial of deesferal bcoze i m afraid to have any kind of toxicity on belly

but its ok for thighies ) for next time i did the same on arm ( my arms are little skiny so i reduced the dose to 6 vials ) and after all i turned again to 1st thigh and that was pretty ok and ready for chelation ....
What pump are you using, Umair, and are you getting it through the peripheral IV?
I m Using an Italian Made Pump, Infusa-T Maker's Medis : ...
No , i m not using any peripheral IV/Port like things ..
I get a big lump and a lot of pain around the site which takes about a week to fully heal. I also get a lot of irritation around my SubQ site.
once i asked to my doctor that may i mix 3 vials in 10ml water she said "No , it will make solution a little thick and that solution will panitrate very slowly in subq , and you are also complaining of cyst at the site of desferal after having chelation " soo i think more water less thicker solution is the answer for your this quuestion ( i m talking about subQ/IM Desferal ).
In addition to using Solu-Cortef with the Desferal when used Sub-Q, any other suggestions on cream(s) I can use post infusion to help with irritation and to help diffuse desferal more quickly, so, I can use the same site again faster??
i never used any cream or spray on the site of desferal ( before inserting needle ) , but i heard some people used to apply Emla cream before inserting needle and some people used to apply Vitamin-E cream to avoid pigmetation on the desferal site ... here's a thread regarding your this question please check this :
Chelation Tips. What do You do to Make Chelation Easier?, i want to ask that ,for wat solu-cortef used for

and wat is the function of this injection , i heard about this injection to staff (nurse ) once i had fever during Transfussion , she told my bro to bring this injection to treat fever ... please do share if you know anything about this injection ...
I hope i answered the questions, if i missed anything please let me know , i will try my best to answer,
don't hesitate to ask abt anything you want to know , Take Care buddy ...
Best Regards
Take Care