Hi everyone,
Thank you so much for your kind words. It is still kind of a shock at times for me that liv has thal.
Maybe that sounds weird maybe because we didn't expect this. We found out when Liv was around 2 so we have known for 3 years now but it still seems unreal to me.

I guess that everytime we enter a new phase of her treatment it is like I'm hearing she has Thal for the first time. I guess the unknown is scarey to me

. Most of the time, I don't really think about it, we all go about our lives as if Liv didn't have Thal. even when she goes to the md every month it seems normal no worries, but for example her md was telling us that after a year of tx she will need to start going for more tests it just feels like wow she really does have Thal! In time that will become normal for us too. So I do question myself out of fear of the unknown which is something that I've been praying about. I'm trying to turn my fear into faith

. I wanted to thank eveyone for Livs birthday wishes she loved them. I didn't get to wish her a happy b-day on the site so I wanted to too.

Thanks again soo much Kathleen