Hello dear friends
Today i did the CBC for my son after two months of using hydrea and here is the update
The HB is 7.3 (it was 7 last month)
Hematocrit is 23.4%( last month was 22%)
MCV is 60.8 (last month it was 57)
Leucocoytic count 7000 ( last month it was 6,300)
Total Bilirubin 1.8 (last month 2)
Retic count 4.8% (last month 6.2%)
All kidney and liver functions are normal
The spleen is enlarged by 4.5cm and the liver is 2 cm enlarged
From the clinical observation, the heart is stable.
What makes me really happy (thanks God) is that his height increased by 2cm in two months and now he is in the 50th percentile although he used to be in the 25th percentile. When i asked the hematologist about this possibility, she said yes because hydrea boosts growth
Thank you for your continous support
