Pranic Healing

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Offline poo gill

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Pranic Healing
« on: March 10, 2009, 03:57:26 AM »
Hello Friends

My quest for Alternative medicine introduced me to a very beautiful healing technique called Pranic Healing.

I wanted to share a good news with you all. I am a certified Pranic Healer now.

Also I  wanted to take this opportunity to share with you guys who are not aware of Pranic Healing, what it  is all about.

There is a reason why I am positing this thread in Diet, Nutrition and SUPPLEMENT section. . Please use this method of healing to Complement your medical treatement.

PRANIC HEALING(Energy healing) is a highly developed and tested system of energy based healing techniques that utilizes “prana” to heal physical and emotional ailments.

“PRANA” is a Sanskrit word that means “life-force”. The Chinese call it “Chi”, in Japanese its called “Ki”, in the Old Testament it is called “Ruah” or the “Breath of Life”.

It is a “ no-touch, no drug therapy”. The practitioner does not touch any part of the receipients body at any time. Also, there are no medicines involved. The practitioner works on the energy body or aura of the person. Diseases, which appear as energetic disruptions in the aura, manifest as ailments in the body. This is cleansed and energized thereby accelerating the healing process of the physical body.

PRANIC HEALING can  be applied with other medical systems PRANIC HEALING deals with healing the energy body. The conventional medical systems deal with healing the physical body. The integrated approach of doing it together helps heal the physical body much faster, without any side effects.

Pranic Healing is based on two laws:
The law of self-recovery and the law of prana or life energy.

Law of Self-Recovery:
In general, the body is capable of healing itself at a certain rate. If a person has a wound or burn, the body will heal itself and recover within a few days to a week, in other words, even if you do not apply antibiotics on the wound or burn, the body will repair or the treatment of viral infection. But even if a person has cough or cold due to viral infection, the body will recover generally in one or two weeks without medication.

Law of Life Energy:
For life to exist, the body must have prana, chi or life energy. The healing process can be accelerated by increasing life energy on the affected part(s) and on the entire body. Light can affect chemical reaction. This is the basis for photography. Electricity, when passed through an electrical conductor, produces a chemical reaction. This is the principle behind electrolysis. Similarly, pranic energy can and does accelerate the chemical reactions of the body. The rate of healing is increased substantially or several times when pranic energy is applied to the affected part of the body.
Any healthy person above the age of 14 years who has average concentration to read a magazine can learn PRANIC HEALING and produce effective results.

  The physical ailments that can be healed    :Migraine, Diabetese, Common Cold, Cough, Headache, Fever, Sinusitis, Asthma, Back pain, Spondalitis, High Blood Pressure, Osteoporosis, Arthritis and many more.

 PRANIC HEALING heals psychological ailments also: It helps in addressing childhood traumas, phobias, stress, anxiety, grief, irritability, hysteria, violence, depression etc.

 26 countries around the world are practising PRANIC HEALING, including India, USA, UK, Canada, the Middle East, Africa, Australia, and Phillipines. People from all walks of life are practising it, like students, businessmen, housewives, doctors, nurses, massage therapists, accupunturists, chiropractors, Catholic nuns and priests, Buddhist monks, Indian swamis, etc.

PRANIC HEALING is based on universal truth and natural laws. It does not belong to any religion or sect.

 Which hospitals are practising PRANIC HEALING?     

Enlisting a few:
  India- Apollo hospitals all over the country
USA - Kaiser Permanente, Nothern California Neurosurgery, Cedars Sinai Medical Centre 
Australia- Browne's Cancer Leukaemia Support Centre, Perth; St. John of God Hospital, Burnbury & Narembeem District

Pranic Healing is not intended to replace orthodox medicine, but rather to complement it. If symptoms persist or the ailment is server, please consult immediately a medical doctor and a certified pranic healer.

The Founder :
Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, a Philipino of Chinese descent, rediscovered the ancient art of healing and has introduced it as a science in the year 1987. A chemical engineer by profession, a very successful multi- millionaire businessman, a prolirific writer of 20 books, he has been teaching the world, the secret of blending spirituality, good health and prosperity.

As in Pranic healing distance heaing is also possible, please donot hesitate to contact me. You can email me or send a PM here.
Love to all and God bless.

« Last Edit: March 10, 2009, 05:21:09 AM by poo gill »
"We are like angels with just one wing. We can only fly by embracing each other." 


Offline Sharmin

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Re: Pranic Healing
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2009, 04:57:50 AM »

Congratulations on your certification.  Pranic healing sounds very interesting, we can all use some healing around here :)  We are happy to have a pranic healer among us. 



Offline T @ r ! Q

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Re: Pranic Healing
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2009, 07:39:58 AM »
Isn't this same as Reiki as we know it?? Healing by touch and distant healing both are taught under Reiki here.
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Offline Manal

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Re: Pranic Healing
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2009, 10:01:46 AM »
Dear Puja, this is so amazing, i am so interested in reading more about this. I myself tried few things that was involved with energy and always found a difference. Congratulations my friend for the certificate. When i get my migraine i will PM you right away  :wink


Offline Zaini

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Re: Pranic Healing
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2009, 11:03:15 AM »
Congratulations Puja ,Pranic healing does sound interesting,i hope it can add to the helath of thalassemics.



Offline Lyanne

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Re: Pranic Healing
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2009, 12:46:06 PM »

      Congratulations Puja! Good luck with that. Yes it is interesting, pranic healing, that is. A cousin of mine exercise pranic healing, too :hugfriend
LYANNE :yahoo


Offline poo gill

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Re: Pranic Healing
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2009, 03:54:47 AM »
Hi Tariq

Yeah it is similar to Reiki. I had learnt Reiki also about 6 years back. The concept is same  both of them are energy healing techniques. Methods differ a bit.

Lyanne - you should let your cousin heal you and see the results. It is amazing. In fact if you are interested try and learn it.

Zaini -  i am sure it will help Thalassemics. In fact it is easy to learn and it complements the medical system.

manal - you can message me any time but better sms me, cos sometimes i get so bz with work that I am not able to check my mails on time.  I do send healing to Armaan and Ahmad for general well being when I am practicing.

Love to all
"We are like angels with just one wing. We can only fly by embracing each other." 


Offline Sharmin

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Re: Pranic Healing
« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2009, 05:09:26 AM »

It means the world to me that you are thinking of us and sharing this experience with us to help us - thank you so much  :hugfriend

Much love,



Offline T @ r ! Q

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Re: Pranic Healing
« Reply #8 on: March 11, 2009, 05:33:00 AM »
I always wanted to learn Reiki it really fascinates me. But the thing is course fees are too high here and in US$ which make them look more costly :(
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Offline poo gill

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Re: Pranic Healing
« Reply #9 on: March 11, 2009, 06:04:58 AM »
It is good that you are thinking of learning.
Look for Pranic healing centers, I am sure it should not be so expensive. Let me know if you need any help on this matter. You are in which city?
"We are like angels with just one wing. We can only fly by embracing each other." 


Offline Manal

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Re: Pranic Healing
« Reply #10 on: March 11, 2009, 07:48:32 AM »
Puja :hugfriend, thanks for being there for us  :hugfriend :hugfriend :hugfriend :hugfriend



Offline T @ r ! Q

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Re: Pranic Healing
« Reply #11 on: March 11, 2009, 09:47:17 AM »

I live in Karachi, Pakistan. Here the most famous mind sciences institute is TIMS (The Institute of Mind Sciences) run by famous Dr. Moiz Hussain. They teach there upto four levels of Reiki and also 4D, telepathy and hypnotism etc.
Falling down is not defeat... Defeat is when you refuse to get up...
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Offline poo gill

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Re: Pranic Healing
« Reply #12 on: March 11, 2009, 10:47:44 AM »
If it is in Pakistan then why are they charging in USD. I dont understand.

Actually if you want to know more you can google it out, there is a lot of stuff in You tube (demonstrations)but for learning you need a proper traning centre, it is not safe to learn it thru google and stuff. The techniques are best learnt under a certified trainer. I will check with my institute if they have something in Pakistan. Will get back to you.

Take care.
"We are like angels with just one wing. We can only fly by embracing each other." 


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