Well, I've got some exciting news about international thal day, concerning myself. Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend the TAG conference in Vegas this year, but I got a heck of a good reason why not. I've been invited to the Maldives for International Thal Day on May 8th! And I am definitely going!
I met some of the Maldivians at the first group chat I ever attended and they have been friends ever since. Sometimes they feel that the world doesn't even know they exist but I never forget them and I am so excited that I will finally get to meet most of them...I just wish Maako and Umar who are both away at school could also attend, but I am very happy that Akka who lives in Sri Lanka will probably be there.
With 18% of the population carrying the thal gene in the Maldives, it is a huge problem there and I hope we can all lend a hand with education and encouragement. Please let them know that we know they're there and want to help them in any way we can. If anyone has thumbtack style needles they can donate, please contact me. And if anyone has any idea on how we can find them an economical source of leukocyte filters for transfusions, please, please let me know. This is an expensive burden for them and we are looking for any help we can get.
I can't wait to go and meet everyone!