Problem solvedHow? By springing like a frog. It still hurts still a bit. The tinnitus decided that we are still a couple. Though less worse than deaf.
I never go again for an ear issue to the gp.I went to the GP to let my earwax removed. There was nothing else what was left and this kind of things are in the family.
Since the appt, 40 minutes ago, I am "deaf". I do not hear at all. I ask the woman who did it and she said they will go open in a while. How long is while? She didn't even said her name & I was too afraid to ask for it. My gp is a men, I saw him only when he visit my grandmother 2 years ago.
I called me father: I must stay calm (nobody will return for 6 pm at home)
I just can't I am supposed to studyi and make a presentation, but I hear nothing except the ringing. Such things only happend to me.
I did some research and I think it's the Eustachian tub.
Has someone an idea?

p.s. I bet someone has to call the ENT-doc for me. I don't like that men. I want the best ENT doc,

p.s. There is a trick to close your nose and breathe out, but all i hear is my heart.

I have it more often and now I found a name: 'Patulous Eustachian tub'. They say it is rare.
OH, once I read somewhere that prematures have undeveloped tubes around the ear... Is that true? I was born premature. [yes, I got al the rare things]
why didn't I look earlier at the internet?
Normally I avoid all medical things during exams, but I thought this wasn't a real medical thing. Btw I had to wait there 25min.... no where in the building was a clock. Strange, huh?