Thank you all for your support
Andy, we got through the day - he perked up quite a lot in the afternoon - and he tried every thing in his power to negotiate "speeding up the treatment" with the nurses - but thank god they did not listen to him. He almost convinced the doctor to let the nurses speed it up - so that he could make it to his game - but finally the doctor said - even though most likely nothing would happen, he did not want to take any risks.
There were a lot of tears and crying about having to spend 3 days of his spring break in the hospital and missing such an important game - he never used to complain - but I can see that we are in too often recently.but we have been entertaining him all evening so that he feel better - so far he seems better.
I am so glad that we got through the day without any reactions - I hope and pray that the ritux settles the auto - antibodies this time. It took 6 weeks for the antibodies to disappear last time so we will know in May how well the treatment has worked. If it didn't work well then we can try giving him two doses of ritux at the time. I pray that it won't be necessary.
Thanks again for your prayers,