Hello Little A.
GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am sure you can do it as well. I have just heard that my ferritin dropped in 1.5 months from 1500 to 1012. We can beat the iron! (I have had more transfusions during that time, because my hgb is skiiing a little to fast down the hill)
I wrote this to my friends this morning:
Don't let the iron win and manage your life, but fight the fight, be in control and rule over the iron!
I think that my non patients friend believe that I am crazy now, but that's their problem. Maybe some day they will get the picture.
[I used a signature of one of our members too. I wrote it like this: I hope that I soon will understand that deironing is not a burden, but a lifestyle It will take still many years before I will be able to say "PK def. is not a burden, but a lifestyle". ] Whose signature is this?
Tell your mommy and daddy to take you out for dinner when you are getting the control over the iron.

p.s. Keep scoring goals for your team! I don't do any sport, but everyone always ask me to bike much slower.

That's difficult for me