Your Help Needed

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Offline Sharmin

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Your Help Needed
« on: April 06, 2009, 03:02:01 AM »
Respected and valued members,

As a group we provide support and important medical advice for each other every day.  We are able to reach thousands of people, sharing the latest research coming from the prominent thalassemia centers.  Andy’s expertise, research and generosity have made this possible.

Many thalassemia patients worldwide however, still have a glum prognosis because they do not have access to the basic treatment that is necessary to manage this disease.  Through various programs we as a group have been able to refer patients in other countries to centers where they can find help, and through fundraising efforts we have been able to provide chelating drugs and supplies.  Sending these drugs and supplies to patients worldwide was one of the main goals Lisa, the founder of Thalassemia Patients and Friends, had in mind when she created this group.

A few generous members have been very helpful in the past, and at this time we would request that those members who are able to donate to thalpal to help out so that we can send these life saving supplies to patients in need.  We want to stress, that we are referring only to those members who can afford to donate, without putting themselves in financial difficulty.

Past efforts have reached many patients worldwide, and some members are seeing results from the chelators that have been sent to them.  We hope to continue and expand this effort with your help.   If you are interested in donating please see:

Thank you to all members of thalpal, for sharing your knowledge and your support and for helping in all of the ways that you do.


Global Moderators of Thalassemia Patients and Friends,

Manal, Sharmin and Zaini
« Last Edit: April 06, 2009, 03:30:50 AM by Sharmin »


Offline Dori

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Re: Your Help Needed
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2009, 04:59:50 PM »
I have been thinking about this the last weeks. Thank you for the chance to participate to make dream come true. Best wishes, Dore


Offline Sharmin

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Re: Your Help Needed
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2009, 05:04:12 PM »
Thanks Dore,  :hugfriend



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