My apologies for not being here on time. I have been exhausted, mentally exhausted, and I could not get myself in front of the pc to type something to you. However, I have been here a few times but I doubted that I typed something that made sense.
Also, I dont have the energy to open a book and if I do it is so difficult to understand what I am reading.
Flurry, it is time to go to bed already. It's around 22 pm and I must take the train of 8 am to get in time (before 10 am) at the hospital for an other blood transfusions. Those last ones are following each other into (right word) 1,5 week. Maybe this one was not necessary (i dont think so!) but I had no other choice than to have one now. At friday we'll leave by car to Italy for a week. We all need a break. I think I really need a week off from normal life. Let's hope it helps.
Cuidate & Adios,
p.s there was no place in the common room, so I will have tx at the oncology floor. Advantage: I got a real bed!!!

p.s. I will try my best to get the results of the tests which were done at monday. I wont stop begging for them, because I am so curious about ferritin and a lil concern about hgb. I still dont have any idea why that keeps dropping so hard. for example: monday5.6 ml/l woe 5.3 ml/l friday only blood transfusion. And that only a week since the last tx!