Hi Andy .. sorry for my late reply
Thanks so much for ur efforts to help others
Happy easter to you & all thalassemia friends
Actually i don't understand because in my analyses it's written that i have an increase in my A2
normal range between 1.5 & 3.2 .. sometimes 3.5 .. & i'm 3.9 .. but i read more & i found normal even 4, i'm so confused
Also my A is less than normal cause normal from 96.8 to 98.5 & i'm 96.1 .. & also i found 96 is a normal starting
Even labs are different so what do you think ??
i searched in all my analyses if i have a vitamin D test .. didn't find but find calcium & ionized calcium .. maybe can help
Calcium 96 mg/l (86 to 100)
ionized calcium 1.03 mmol/l (1.03 to 1.25)
few days ago i ate chick pea , the day after didn't felt good, fatigue .. etc
Today i ate a lens soup & some vegetables & i'm.suffering , feeling very hot/ strong fatigue / can't move from bed/ strong pain in my knees / pain in my articulations, bones & muscles / feeling like can't think, lake of concentration/ sleepy
Don't know but i'm trying to focus on what i ate when i have some symptoms as you said fatigue with no explanation .. can you help.me in this so we can define exaclty what i have to avoid ?
About my immunity system i become weak i was sick & after few days i was sick again, this odd for me, actually i lost my voice several time in last few weeks.
i didn't understand what is methyfolate ??
Thanks so much ..