Just Awesome! Thank you so much!
I too have been told by doctors there are no symptoms of TM.
I was about 26 years old and pregnant with my son when I was told I have TM. That was in 2004. Since I was assured by the doctors I'll live a normal healthy life with it....I haven't paid much attention to it until just recently.
I am tired all the time, have a hard time exercising(out of breath), and have bouts of anxiety.
My results came in Friday and my Hemoglobin is 8.8. My Hematocrit 27.1.RDW is 19.5. Red Blood Cell Count is 3.03. My iron is 89. Iron Binding 253 and IRON SATURATION 35.
My doctor tells me to take a multi-vitamin and a iron supplment every day. Why do I need to take the iron when my iron is ok?
It's so frustrating

that so many doctors are not knowledgeable about TM! I hope soon that this condition will be brought out of the darkness and into the light so I won't feel so lost!
I've read some pretty good advice here. I actually just picked up some B-12 and Folic Acid. I hope it makes a different and gives me some very much needed energy. Everyday I have to force myself to get things done! Most days I don't have the energy to even complete them. I am trying my best to eat healthy and exercise. Exercise has become such a struggle as of late. I used to be able to exercise 3 to 4 times weekly. Now I'm lucky if I get even 2 in there....
But I am so glad that I was directed to this forum! & if anyone has any advice for me...please don't hesitate! Thank you