Dont worry sis , he will be fine , and we and doctors are not the saviours... only the GOD is the saviour , have faith and keep praying for your little one , he is in my prayer, m always praying foryour son and all other thals, as well .. be sure that he will be fine .. my highest S.fe (iron level) were 13,200 although normal ranges are 100-350 , wasnt it too much high .. was not more than 1000 times higher than normal ranges , but i m here in you people ALive and with with controlled S.Fe levels ... BY THE GRACE OF ALMIGHT ALLAH(GOD) .... soo have faith and dont worry , everything will be all-right with him ... and

for the paper work you have done ...
as far as i know , your son need's anti-oxidants to stay safe to the iron damages ... but please wait for senior member's reply they will tell you the finest anti-oxidant for your son and the dosge details , as i m not good at all these stuff

... Wishing your son all the best for his life ...
My way to deal with problemes is, try your best and then leave that all to upto GOD
GOD Love's His believer more than the love of 70 mothers ....
so dont be mourn of His blessings, and never b thankless of His blessings ... Always be thanfull of Him, Think & look around your self, you are more fortunate than many peoples in the world
watch the video in this thread : Regards
Take Care