I haven't time to answer your message. I should be very busy with study at the moment, but i am now here...
Je moet mmol/l x 1.6 (of 1.8) vermenigvuldigen en dan krijg je gl/dl. Desondanks blijft het lastig om steeds terug te rekenen. Vermenigvuldigen of delen met 2 is natuurlijk iets makkelijker

Aha, Sickle Cell Center in Rotterdam. You really should contact the organisation for Sickle Cell and Research, because they are great. I am a member too (this is a Dutch organisation!) and at the moment they are busy with the websites. Hmm, deze werkt misschien nog wel
http://www.thalassemie.nl/index.htm Je kunt ze bellen, maar ik je anders ook wel een emailadres geven.
Succes, Dore
P.S. I still haven't read all message, though I must warn you: not all the tests are aviable in the Netherlands. This makes me feel sad too, but more angry. But I have heard that MRI (it has a name, help me) will be ready this summer in the Netherlands. Though I am not sure, because OSCAR hasn't heard anything of it....