I wanted to thank all of you guys for the great responses.......Its really nice to have so many intelligent people who care on this site........Have not had very good luck with the doctors as far as answers to my condition......
I have had a couple doctors tell me that they think I have the beginning stage of MS and others say I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Fibromyalgia.......Personally, I dont know what to think after 15 years of searching for answers.......I have battled fatigue my whole life and my mom told me that I had anemia as a baby too......I have been unable to work as a Chiropractor due to my condition, which really makes things hard on me mentally........Fatigue by far is my major complaint, its as if I am stuck in concrete shoes and my endurance is pretty confined to a couple of hours a day........I try and stay positive though, what else can you do.......
Andy.......you are incredible........I cant tell you how much I appreciate your time and knowledge......I learned more from you than all my doctors combined.....which is pretty sad.....lol I agree with you 100 percent......I think no matter what my diagnosis is, I need to address the fatigue.......I did pretty well with L-Carnitine in the past, I will start back up on this again......I didnt realize Vit D would be that important for me, but I have read the new research on this as you said.......I know I am not in the sun enough, so I am sure I dont get enough Vit D......thanks for that tip.........I also seem to do better on B-complex, so I will add this too.....
Just to add some overview........I seem to do better on a "raw diet", with no meat......My digestive system seems to be pretty bad, especially when I consume gluten and meat......I mainly eat salads, fruits and veggies and nuts........try not to cook my food, as it hurts my digestion......I seem to do better on some armour thyroid too, but it has not "cured me".........
When I had the electophoresis of my hemoglobin, the pathologist simply wrote that elevated levels of HgA2 and Hg F suggest the possibility of Thalassemia minor.......but that is the only thing they wrote.......and my GP has no idea what to think of my elevated levels of the Fetal Hg........
Quick question Andy.......should I look into this further on the high levels of Hg F

? Is this amount consistent with what you see in Persistant Fetal Hg

?? Just wonder if this might explain why I have always battled fatigue compared to other kids when growing up......Thanks again.......John