Ok, well, I was trying to keep my mouth shut on this issue, but maybe it's best for me to give my opinion anyway.

Please don't attack me.

I'm probably one of the only members here with Thal Major that would say I'd abort. However, this is just my opinion, and what I would do for myself if I had become pregnant with a Thal Major. Although I've had the best care in my life, with the best family I could ever ask for, life definitely wasn't easy for me or my parents for that matter. I'm going to be 30 years old this year, and my mother still cries to this day about me having this illness. She obsesses every day about losing me, or what life would be without me. That's the life of a parent with a Thal Major child, and it breaks my heart every day.
Am I glad that I'm here? Yes, I am. I accomplished a lot in my life, even while going through a lot of issues over the years. I've been through many surgeries and illnesses due to Thal, and I've had a rough social life growing up because of it also. I had many friends, but I also had cruel kids calling me names when I was a kid because they didn't know what my illness was about. It didn't help that I was in the newspaper either, though.

I always wanted to sleep over my friends' houses, and couldn't because I didn't want them seeing my Desferal pump. If they slept over my house, I'd have to wait until they fell asleep to put it on. I just felt like a freak.
As I grew up, it didn't bother me about people knowing anymore, so I openly told everyone. I'm extremely independent, and never liked when people treated me as if I couldn't do something, so I always made it clear that "I am not physically disabled, just red-cell challenged."

Anyway, life has been very hard for me, but I still had goals, and still do. I went through all my years of formal school and then went to college. I was ill on and off through nursing school, but I fought it and made it through. I never let anything stop me in my life. I travel all over. I love to snorkel and jet-ski. I love to ride roller-coasters and para-sail. I went back to school after getting my RN and became a Forensic Nurse, and now I'm going back again to become a Nurse Practitioner. I'll never let this disease get in my way, unless it renders me bed-ridden, and even then I'd be making the best of it.
I'm telling you this for a reason. Even though I am happy to be alive, and happy that my parents didn't choose to abort me, if I was in that position today, I would have to abort. I'm pretty much against abortion, but not when the child or mother's life is in danger. If I became pregnant with a Thal Major, I would not want my child to have to endure the pain that I have been through in my life, and continue to deal with. It's physically, emotionally, and mentally disastrous.
I probably seem extremely hypocritical, but I just wouldn't want my child to have to endure the pain that I have dealt with my entire life. I also think it would be horrible for me to wonder if that child will still be breathing the next morning, after tucking him/her into bed at night. It would drive me insane.

I am not saying what everyone should do. I'm saying what I would do.
Jemma, the decision is for you and your husband. Think about it really well, and make sure it's not something you will regret (like if you decide to abort). Life will be challenging with a Thal-Major, but you won't love him/her any less. It will still be your child. However, it's going to be difficult for you and your husband as parents who will see this child in pain (getting stuck with needles, etc). This is a life-long illness, unless they come out with a fail-proof cure.
There are advantages and disadvantages to everything, and unfortunately this also has both. But the choice lies on you, not anyone else. We can only tell you what we would do, not what you should do. I'm not telling you to abort, and I'm not telling you not to. I'm telling you what I would do. I've been through enough to know that I'd never want to put my child through it, no matter what I've accomplished in my life.
I pray that you make the right decision, no matter what you choose. Please, just think really hard about it before making any rash decisions. It's still a life we're talking about. :hug