Hi Smile,
Welcome to the forum,We have quite a few members who are married and have children and they are thal majors

one of them just had her second baby

and our administrator Andy knows a guy who has become a grandfather

With on time transfusions,and proper chelation,thalassemia is a very manageable disorder,do you know what are your Boy friends's iron or ferritin levels?
If he is maintaining his hb and his ferritin is low there is no reason to believe that he can not live a haelthy life and have kids,yes having kids is definitely possible but this all comes down to maintaining ferritin levels,and if he has high iron levels,still not to worry he can start aggressive chelation and get rid of his iron.
As to predicting life span,no one can predict anyone's life span,its in God's hands,but please be assured that with proper maintainance thalassemics can live a fairly normal life,can have careers,become parents and everything and anything they want to do.
Please feel free to share if you have something else on your mind
