Hi Linda,
Welcome on the forum,glad to have you here,with 1 transfusion per year,you are definitely an intermedia,as majors require more frequent transfusions,at your age a major would require transfusion every two or three weeks,and your hb of 7 also indicates that you are an intermedia.
Our moderator Sharmin's son has also faced antibody problems,do you get genotype matched blood ? its really necessary to get genotype matched blood to avoid antibodies,well to completely avoid it one should get genotyping done before getting first transfusion,but now that you have it,its good to have genotype matched blood to avoid more complications,Are you getting any treatment for antibodies? Sharmin's son was given a round or two of Rituximab to clear the antibodies.She can tell you more about that.
When were you diagnosed with thal? Since what age did you start getting transfusion once a year? Do you know what your ferritin level is? Although ferritin level is not a good indicator of iron overload in organs specially in Intermedias,you should get MRI done to check how much iron you have in organs.
Please feel free to ask any question you have in mind.
