After sleeping my way through the Pune conference, and then being "hosted" by the Indian army for awhile, I thought I might watch my p's and q's in Dubai, where comicidentally, it was Ashish's turn to be caught to follow, unless those prepaid air tickets to Maldives find their way under my door. :evilplan LOLOLOL!!!
In Dubai I did try to keep my nose clean, although I still had to control my urge to take photos of everything I saw...those cops really didn't look very friendly, so I'm kinda glad I didn't say cheese.
And Miaki, didn't we run into you at the Blue Bar the last night? I seem to remember you in that crowd of friends who were applying some liquid pain killer after their dune buggy rides. Ah, now I do recall. That was the night, the trend setting Shilpa, got everyone hooked on Cosmopolitans. There were no less than five Cosmopolitans sitting on the table when we left you guys that night. Way to go, Shilpa! We "new kids" fit right in. I really hope we can all meet up again at the next conference. The friends are the best!