Can Supplements Help Everyone and Not Only Thals?

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Offline Andy Battaglia

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Can Supplements Help Everyone and Not Only Thals?
« on: June 13, 2009, 06:09:51 PM »
I had my physical this week. Have supplements made a difference to my health? What do you think?

56 years old. I don't get enough exercise but I do exercise at least briefly daily. I'm overweight, although a very slow thyroid is a factor here. I have asthma and have had it since birth. Even though I don't eat meat, I also don't like many vegetables. I fought anemia for many years.

Looking at the basic facts, I should be a time bomb waiting to explode. Middle aged. Overweight. Nowhere near enough exercise. Asthmatic. Barely any function in my thyroid on its own, requiring daily thyroxine supplements.

The reality? I am in excellent health. Despite asthma, my lung capacity is much higher than that found in non-asthmatics. My blood pressure is always great. The latest was 111/70. Last year it was 120/68. It is always in this range. Prostate checks out fine at every physical (ouch!). Just had my blood tests today so I can't comment on the current status yet, but my cholesterol level is always good.

What do I do? As I said, I don't eat meat but I do eat tons of cheese. I try to eat as many whole unprocessed foods as possible. Whole grains are great. Even though I don't like a long list of vegetables, I do eat what I like and also try to eat fruits. I try not to eat a lot of junk food but do slip and eat some. Is this enough? I don't think so. So, what else?

For over 35 years I have taken 400 IU natural vitamin E daily. During that period I have also taken at least 5 grams of vitamin C daily. (Sorry, thal majors and intermedias, you cannot do this. This is a great paradox of thalassemia. Thal creates a tremendous amount of stress within the body and vitamin C levels are deficient. Thals could benefit greatly from vitamin C, but because vitamin C helps to bind iron and can also create a condition where free iron can reach dangerous levels in the bloodstream of iron loaded people, it is not safe for thals to take high amounts of vitamin C. This is sad because vitamin C could do so much for thals. Not only does it enhance the immune system but it also strengthens the blood vessels, which is extremely important with thalassemia. Thal minors whose Hb is not severely low can take vitamin C). I also take B complex 100 daily. A few years back I started taking vitamin D during the non-summer months, as I am bothered by seasonal affective disorder (SAD). This did help and irrational depression became a thing of the past. This past year, after returning from Singapore, I was very tired and my muscles ached badly. At first, I thought it was jet lag, but after a month I realized it was not improving. I doubled my dose of vitamin D to 2000 IU daily and within two days, the muscle pain had vanished. When I told my doctor I was taking 2000 IU daily, he did not bat an eye, but rather told me that for years they had not routinely tested vitamin D levels in patients but since they started, they have been astounded at the amount of people who are deficient in D. I also take wheatgrass extract from daily.

Do I feel supplements have played a key role in my health? Yes, yes and yes. My diet and exercise habits do not explain the state of my health by themselves. I swear by my alphabet of vitamins and easily see a difference if I slack and don't take them. I have taken holidays where I forgot to bring vitamin C and paid for it with easy bruising and susceptibility to colds. If I don't take D, my muscles soon feel the difference. The B complex and wheatgrass make a noticeable difference in my energy levels. Vitamin E has improved my lungs and kept me young.

Everyone can benefit from supplements and I am living proof of that. Don't accept bad health as part of the aging process because it is not. Good health can be had if you make sure your body is getting the nutrients it needs to function optimally.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


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Re: Can Supplements Help Everyone and Not Only Thals?
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2009, 07:53:15 PM »
Thanx Andy For Sharing your experience with supplements  and providing good info with prooves to us .. you're always a good source of info for us.. thanx allot buddy, and May you alway be young and healthy as you're .. :ty

Best Regards
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Sometimes , He breaks our heart to make us whole.
Sometimes , He sends us pain so we can be stronger.
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Sometimes , He sends us illness so we can take better care of our selves.
Sometimes , He takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything we have.



Offline Zaini

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Re: Can Supplements Help Everyone and Not Only Thals?
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2009, 09:10:41 AM »
Yes Andy,I totally agree with you,although here many people are skeptical of supplements and say things like you should take healthy diet and be not addicted to supplements,but i personally believe that taking healthy diet as shown in food pyramids is not that easy,we do fall of the track and eat junk,especially in countries like ours where spices are a basic ingredient in food and people love spicy foods and meat.So i don think any one gets enough vitamins and minerals from food,and supplements do play their part here,i for one,am a big fan of supplements.


Re: Can Supplements Help Everyone and Not Only Thals?
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2009, 12:48:58 PM »
Well put Andy,

Our daily diets and routines are not balanced as it suppose to be. The lack of essential minerals and vitamins should be supplemented regularly.

Thanks for sharing.


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Re: Can Supplements Help Everyone and Not Only Thals?
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2009, 03:16:11 PM »
Thanks for this info Andy,



Offline Andy Battaglia

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Re: Can Supplements Help Everyone and Not Only Thals?
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2009, 12:08:26 AM »
Today I received the results of all my blood work. Everything was excellent except for one thing. Even though I take 2000 IU vitamin D daily, I am seriously deficient. This is only a mild surprise to me, as it seems a constant battle against tiredness, especially muscle tiredness. My doctor told me to up my dose to 3000 IU daily and that I should be tested again in 6 months. If my level has not improved by then, I will receive a vitamin D shot.

I have been preaching the importance of vitamin D on a regular basis. This just demonstrates how hard it is to get to a normal level. Even with supplements, my level was only 19. The current thinking is that a level of 30-60 is needed, with 60 being optimal. However, there is a very good chance that these levels will be revised upwards as the value of vitamin D to the body is more fully understood.

We do not get enough vitamin D. The human body is designed to be outdoors and exposed to the sun, for many hours daily. We do not do this any longer as a species and a host of health issues can be traced back to vitamin D deficiency. If you have unexplained tiredness, low immune systems, muscle fatigue and tiredness, inexplicably weak bones and on and on, please consider the possibility of vitamin D deficiency. It's an easy blood test and you'll have the results back in days. I would bet that at least 75% of the people tested would be deficient and that those who aren't are seldom at an optimal level. It probably is not your thyroid. It is far more likely to be lack of vitamin D. Please do not ignore this. I saw a difference in muscle fatigue in my legs within two days of raising my dose from 1000 to 2000 IU daily.

I hope our moderators can lead the way and get tested for vitamin D. Stronger bones, lower cancer rates and less tiredness will all be found if the vitamin D levels are raised. Let's be leaders in this very important area where thals, minor through major can greatly benefit.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


Offline Sharmin

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Re: Can Supplements Help Everyone and Not Only Thals?
« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2009, 12:39:48 AM »
I completely agree with what you say about both vitamin C and vitamin D.  I had a severe D deficiency last year so I began taking 3000 IU and I could feel the difference. 

Also, my entire family began taking vitamin C this year and I am happy to report that we had no colds or flus this entire year.  When lil A's entire school was getting the noravirus for an average of 2 weeks each - he got it one evening and was better the next day - an none of us caught it from him. 

The other supplements he takes, such as vitamin e, vitamin D, B complex, calcium have also helped him greatly.  He is doing well in sports, he has great endurance and strength because of these supplements.  I have been giving him these supplements religiously and I feel that it is paying off. 

My non-thal daughter takes progressives, osteocare, omega 3-6-9, nigella, lactoferrin and 250mg of vitamin C - I find that she has grown taller and stronger in a very short time this year.  Her athletic abilities have also improved over the year. 

Thanks again Andy - these supplements have benefitted our entire family, I hope that other members will also be sure to take their supplements. 



Offline Zaini

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Re: Can Supplements Help Everyone and Not Only Thals?
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2009, 07:35:50 AM »
You are right Andy,

I need to get my vitamin D tested,as i do experience tiredness a lot,although taking B-Complex has helped me a lot but still i have my episodes of tiredness,even once a doctor said that a woman's monthly cycle can also get disturbed due to lack of Vitamin D,and i am a victim of that too,which right now most doctors relate to having PCOS,but who knows it can be Vitamin D deficiency.I'll get myself tested ASAP .



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Re: Can Supplements Help Everyone and Not Only Thals?
« Reply #8 on: June 18, 2009, 02:41:21 PM »
It probably is not your thyroid. It is far more likely to be lack of vitamin D. Please do not ignore this. I saw a difference in muscle fatigue in my legs within two days of raising my dose from 1000 to 2000 IU daily.

I take only 200IU daily.... :huh


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Re: Can Supplements Help Everyone and Not Only Thals?
« Reply #9 on: June 19, 2009, 01:32:21 AM »
Andy, i am really happy for you and hope that with the next check up you will have normal levels of vitamin D. Keep up the good work :wink



Offline Zaini

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Re: Can Supplements Help Everyone and Not Only Thals?
« Reply #10 on: June 25, 2009, 04:01:03 PM »
I have given sample for 25-hydroxy Vitamin D,result is tomorrow,lets see what happens .


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Re: Can Supplements Help Everyone and Not Only Thals?
« Reply #11 on: June 25, 2009, 04:04:36 PM »
good luck zaini.  it's a good thing that a deficiency can be corrected easily with supplements.  Vitamin D improves energy level, helps us fight illness and elevates the mood - all things that thal minors could use:)



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Re: Can Supplements Help Everyone and Not Only Thals?
« Reply #12 on: June 26, 2009, 12:25:29 AM »
Good luck Zaini, keep us informed. :wink

Can you imagine we don't have this simple test here and the majority of all the vitamins except for vitamin B6 and B12 only. We have to send them either to Germany or France.

When i asked the lab technician, he just said, no doctor order these and therefore why should we buy their kits, especially that they will cost more if there is no mass demand on them.

The logic says that doctors should first investigate vitmain and mineral deficiency before diagnoising any symtpoms cause it could be nothing serious except vitamin deficiency :mad



Offline Zaini

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Re: Can Supplements Help Everyone and Not Only Thals?
« Reply #13 on: June 26, 2009, 04:22:05 PM »
Thanks Sharmin and Manal, :hugfriend

My results came back and although i was expecting them to be low but not this low,my level is 8 ng/ml  , my mother also got tested for Vitamin D and her level is 22.7,still in insufficient range but higher then mine,i am 28 and she is 55 ,go figure  :dunno.

My cousin has asked me to take 3 Vitamin D shots,one in a month,i hope that will solve the problem.



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Re: Can Supplements Help Everyone and Not Only Thals?
« Reply #14 on: June 27, 2009, 12:34:21 AM »
I am sorry Zaiini to know this but definetly the shot will solve every thing. I didn't expect the result to be low with all the sun at yours :wink



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