Hello folks,
It’s been a while but -as you all know only too well- life happens around us even as we're dealing with thal.

Our wonderful daughter Sophia will turn 4 this September and despite quite a few issues (which we've shared with all of you here- thank you) we've more or less stabilized over the last few months.
She's now transfused every 14 days, keeping her Hb at quite good levels but still having to take 2mg of prednisone daily.
Sophia has been transfusing for two and a half years but we started effectively chelating last September. Approximately 9 months now.
She weighs 15 kg and takes 250mg of desferal every two days.
Desferal seems to be working, inasmuch as we quite obviously see it affect her stool and urine.
Her ferittin however hasn't changed. Sophia started off at a high 4400 -which was to have been expected as she had a very large number of transfusions when dealing with a hemolytic episode at a younger age.
It’s still at 4400.
The medical team- which I'd like to stress is devoted to Sophia and never have given us the impression of taking anything lightly- feel that this ferittin level is not a huge concern at this stage and have made a very incremental increase in her dosage (effectively we went from 13 to 15 doses per month).
Sophia has had her yearly checkups which haven't shown any issues of concern.
My question is two-fold:
A) Should we be discussing dosages, frequencies etc.? We feel that the medical team's current wait and see approach seems to make sense in light of only 9 months passing but I'd like to hear from people's experience.
B) Alternatives to Desferal: We've gathered from discussions that our medical team prefers desferal to the other alternatives. They feel it is the safer, effective drug. As Sophia deals with the pump splendidly well (we make a big family night event around it) we're not concerned about alternatives because of compliance. We would like to be informed however about efficacy:
We've been reading that dual chelating therapy seems to be more effective. Are this Exjade+Ferriprox or is Desferal one of the two components? Are there age issues?
Sorry to pile so much stuff into one post, the only mitigating factor being is that I suspect that a lot of people have the same questions.
Thanks again to everyone and God Bless you all.