I'm a newbie but have been hanging around/reading a lot over the last few months. I'm a mom of three young kids all Thal minor (confirmed with electropheris), my husband is the trait carrier, as is his Father (Chinese decent). My question is regarding my Thal minor elderly father-in-law who is in Peru. He is 85 and has been healthy his entire life, with a Hb level around 9.5. The last six months he has had a lot of problems and his Hb levels have dropped. Since January he's had two rounds of transfusions because his Hb levels were 7. They helped to raise the Hb level but left him with a continuous headache. They ran a bunch of tests for cancer because his platelets were also very low, but everything came back negative. Today we got a call that his levels had dropped to 4.8 and they are giving him 4 pints of blood. His last transfusion was at the end of April. We are concerned that the doctors there do not know how to handle his condition. We're also concerned about iron overload. What is the lowest level of Hb that would be considered "safe" in a Thal minor elderly man? Other than transfusions and the regular advice of folic acid, vitamins, etc, is there anything else that could help to keep his Hb levels up?