Good to hear you're doing better today. I think the fact that you were pumped full of fluids in the hospital shows that you were dehydrated and that it was more than anxiety. I have quite a bit of experience with dehydration in the past as a result of doing landscaping in Florida and also from intensive bicycle riding in very hot weather. I would suggest that you don't try to get all your fluids from juices etc. Unsweetened juices are good but they do contain a lot of natural fruit sugar, so some moderation is required. It is best to take water as your main source of fluids. However, even this can lead to dehydration if your salt levels are low. If you're dealing with warm weather and are drinking a lot of fluid, you should also make sure that your salt intake rises. Eat something salty, especially if you have a craving for salty foods. That is your body telling you it needs more salt. I realize that my case is somewhat of an extreme method for dealing with dehydration, but when riding my bicycle for long distance, I always take salt packets with me and eat the salt with water as I ride. If I don't do this and only consume water, I end up with symptoms of dehydration, including a foggy mind and an unawareness of why I feel so bad. After it happened enough times I began to realize I needed salt even though my mind could barely think. When I worked outdoors I would take some salty chips with me as a snack so that I wouldn't start to feel foggy. Water alone, is not enough. The salts that are lost need to be replaced. Avoid distilled water completely, as it has zero mineral content and can actually cause dehydration. I found this out the hard way and ended up vomiting and almost passed out while working. Sports drinks can also be used in moderation to maintain a mineral balance, but they do contain a lot of sugar and should not be the sole source of fluids.