Welcome on the forum,I have a few questions,is this baby boy your first baby? Have you ever tested your self for thal,were you or your partner declared anemic at any stage in your life?
Thalassemia is a genetic disorder,your son is just carrying a trait or in other words he is a thal minor,but he has inherited this disorder from you or your partner,what is crucial here is that you and your partner get tested for thalassemia,because if you both are carriers,and if you plan another baby in future,there is a 25% chance that baby can be thal major,and if one of you is carrier,then it would be good to know so that you can be treated accordingly in future.
Thal minor is not a very dangerous thing,your baby will lead a normal life,i am a thal minor my self and a mother of two

i occasionally experience tiredness or headaches,my hb remains low,but there are so many supplements which can help thal minor now a days,so just try to read through our thal minor section and you'll get the idea what would help your baby and what can be harmful.
If you have other kids,get them tested too,even if a person is just a carrier its good to know,so when they grow up and plan a family,they must know that if their partner is a carrier or not.
Hope this helps,please feel free to ask what ever questions you have in mind
