thanks a lot. Were not the same questions when the ferriprox-desferal combo first started?
I think there were. Yet, some doctors proceeded to apply that combo and look how beneficial it has been proved to be. It's the same thing with ferriprox-exjade combination therapy.
I have realised that it depends on the doctor if he decides or not to proceed to any new therapy. It has to do with his character, his strong will to test new methods, his ambition. There are doctors, on the contrary, who are afraid of being responsible for any new start. They are conservative due to their character and do not pioneer anything new.
As long as the patient's health is not at stake because of every new method, there is no need to sit still and wait for the clinical trials which may never happen. And of course, new methods are not applied only in cases of patients whose lives are in danger. My case is not among them. Iron does not threaten my life, however I am willing to start on this new combo because there is another very important factor to take into consideration: that of my life quality improvement.