One problem with Ferrprox and this is pretty big, is that it isn't approved in North America. For those with access, it is not always the best chelator for their case. All chelators have side effects and there are those who still cannot find a suitable chelator and have to deal with significant side effects. This is a major reason we still need more chelators. Starch desferal would solve the side effect issues for many patients and make chelation much easier for many people, but there is no money going to support this drug's journey to approval. I still feel very strongly that no chelator works as well as Ferriprox in removing iron from the heart and brain and that there is no excuse for it not being approved in the US, but I am not the FDA and I am also not a corrupt bureaucracy that responds to the big pharmaceutical companies, while suppressing drugs from small companies. Am I saying the FDA is corrupt? Did the sun rise this morning? Do I see ad after ad on television, promoting drugs that have serious side effects, including suicidal actions and death? Do I wonder how these dangerous drugs are approved for things like birth control and stopping smoking, while also posing a risk of death? Yes, I do wonder how the FDA approves these drugs, yet leaves thal patients to die, because the company making Ferriprox just isn't one of the big guys.
And just a point of information; Ferriprox is split into 3 daily doses.