Hello everyone
Last May, my son had a cold and after taking the porper medications he was left with a cough that continued with him for more than a month. During his cough, he was on Zyretec, Claritine, cough medications and every possible thing until it was gone.
Just few weeks,( begining of July) he started coughing again. After repeating all anti-allergy medicines, the doctor suggested giving an antibiotic cause the cough started to affect the chest too and after almost three weeks it was gone but at this time we added Ventoline syrup to the anti-allergy medications.
Then he developed a really big pustule that had a very severe bacterial infection that required using antibiotic shots for three days and then we continued with a syrup antibiotic for another 5 days and two days later he started coughing again till now
Just yesterday, he developed fever that required antibiotic too because the doctor said it is affecting the vocal cords (cause his voice changed a little bit ) and it is important to get rid of the infection. So we started the antibiotic today in addition to the Ventolin and the Zyretec.
To sum up, from July he took four times antibiotic including the shots in addition to the cough that takes a really long time until it disappears.
The doctor (not his hematologist) here says that it seems that he is having a weak immunity and told me that this cough suggests that he is suffering from asthma (allergy). Actually when i was shocked the doctor said that any cough that exceeds ten days after a cold or a flu is defined as allergy or asthma. He told me that his chest is clear but he is having an allergy which could be due to being anemic or to family history (this reason exists too

As i am still out of town, i didn't check the CBC from July but thanks God during all the past time he is active and looks normal to me.
Could the hydroxyurea be the reason for lowering his immunity that much?

I really don't know. We started it last Januarey. Should i consider him asthmatic. I try to avoid strong odours like smoke, cooking vapours, perfumes,...but there are things that i can not avoid like humidity and actually i don't know what triggers this coughing. One thing the doctor pointed out was that when my son sleeps he sweats alot ( his father and his sister and his grandmother are the same) no matter the temperature is even in air conditioned rooms so this sweat is kept on his chest making it easy to get the cough. This what the doctor says could be a reason and i have nothing but to try to chnage his clothes during the night once or twice. But again he used to be like this before but wasn't having all this cough

I know there is no blood test that measures the immunity but how could i know if the hydroxyurea has anything to do with all of this?

? Any suggestions???
Sorry for the long post