This is an issue that was very important and emotional to Lisa. She told me very plainly that in her view, one man was blocking research that could possibly provide a cure for herself and all thals. In spite of lobbying by both Nancy Reagan and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bush exercised the veto for his first time in office on a bill that would have allowed research using discarded embryos from fertility clinics. These embryos will never become humans, as they are basically by-products of processes like in vitro fertilzation (which, by the way, is sometimes used by thal moms to conceive). Once the woman is pregnant, the remaining embryos are discarded. However, to certain voters, this becomes the abortion issue and Bush has chosen to pander to these voters, rather than allow research that may someday cure a host of different illnesses and genetic disorders, such as thal. The logic behind his supposed stand makes no sense, as the alternative is to throw the embryos out, rather than to allow their use in this research that is passing the US by. Instead of being world leaders in research to help people, the US has become the leader in finding ways to destroy humans in other lands (how does this fit with this bogus respect for life stance of this president and his supporters)?
Yes, I am mad, and if Lisa was still alive she would also be very angry about this continued refusal to allow the research that could make a difference to so many people suffering from so many conditions. Americans, please wake up and stop falling for this transparent pandering that this man does. Call your representatives and Senators and demand they they vote to override this veto! And when you vote in congressional elections this Novemever, please keep this in mind and vote for those who promise to allow research that could save so many people's lives.