Sigh. I still cannot commit to going for more than one day. It's become very hard for me to get away from work other than on the weekends. This conference's guest list absolutely blows away the Singapore conference. This is how it should be. The top people doing the research will be there, instead of a bunch of doctors talking about the work of someone else. If nothing else, I will make it for Saturday and if there is any possible way, I will be there Thursday on. Wednesday will not be possible, but I don't think much is really going on then.
Patients and parents, please be advised that the bulk of this conference will be medical discussions with much technical information. I know many people are up to it, but others may find the information beyond the reach of their understanding, due to the amount of medical and technical language involved. I will say that Puja and Manal handled this stuff quite well in Singapore, so for those who do have some understanding of the technical side of the thalassemia discussion, you will get a lot out of it. On Saturday, there are the TAG sessions that will be oriented towards patients, so everyone will be able to get something out of that.
Kudos to the organizers for a truly incredible group of speakers.