I posted a message in July about looking for the right answer b/c my family doc wanted me to have IV Iron and I have been told my entire life that I have Thal Minor and that iron wouldn't help...Well...today I saw a Hematologist and he is did more blood test b/c he told me that there wasn't a test for Thal minor in the early 70's (in which I was supposedly diagnosed). He explained that it is possible that I have both Thal Minor and Iron deficieny Anemia he said this b/c my ferritin level is 9 (suppose to be between 20-200) and my hemaglobin is 10...he said that Thal Minor's "typically" don't have low iron levels and usually stay around 11.8 on the hemaglobin. He said that I am very anemic and wants me to have IV Iron next Friday! It takes 5 hours to administer! I am very nervous about this for sure!! He is my 2nd opinion from a physician standpoint..I have been having all the symptoms of iron deficiency anemia - hair loss, constantly chewing ice, brittal nails, easily bruising, legs swelling, etc.....Does anyone have any advice? Should I get the iron? I am confused how I could have both Thal Minor & Iron Deficiency Anemia - has anyone else heard of this?
Thank you!