we live in a village near Delphi(ancient place)and we travel about 200 km to athens for transfusion.
my husband do 1 time a year MRI for hurt and liver ( i cant remember the numebers)but his is in very good condition.maybe LENA (she is from greece) to know LAIKO hospital in Sevastoupoleos avenue.
yesterday we made a new check in Eyaggelismos hospital about liver(NOT MRI) and that one was too good also.
fututre MRI is on 20-11-2009 at BIOIATRIKI CLINIC,tomorrow.
About if we are going to get children or not,i must saY that because of his previus high iron,he has now problems with free testosterone,total testosterone and some others .
one thing that is still low is οστεοκαλσινη και καλσιτονινη(LENA TRANSLATE PLS)
i am trying to read new things hear and learn about thallasemia so forgive if i wrote something wrong.
AND something important....a doctor in greece when we first went to hospital,said only:-THIS IS THE SITUATION WITH THALLASEMICS,I CANT DO NOTHING

HE DID not gave to my husband to do checks,not to do tranfusion,not exjade...can you believe that?

???i am still comlaining about him in our new doctor,and do you know why?
before 50 days we lost my husband brother,50 years old with μικροδρεπανοκυταρικη(lena help και εξηγησε στα παιδια οτι ο αδελφος του αντρα μου ηταν απο αλλο πατερα γι αυτο και ειχε μικροδρεπανοκυταρικη)and do you know why?because the same doctor said to him 10 years before what he said to my husbund 5 years before....thats greece....i have pleanty things to say about doctors but i dont know so good english and maybe you bored reading