I am new on this forum. Since I was 11 years old I knew I have BTM. All docters said there was no treatments necessary, since TM patients didn't have any problems.
When I was 24 I started to work at a General practitionors office as an assistant (kind of nurse). There I discovered my Hb levels were low. Usually about 10, what is lower then 'healthy' women.
During my first pregnancy my level dropped till 6,4. My gynaecologist at that time didn't know a thing about thal minor. I went looking for information myself and found the dutch patient society (OSCAR Nederland). They gave me advise and I went with that to my own GP, cause I trusted him moren then my gynaecologist.
After my pregnancy I became a voluteer for OSCAR and in 2011 I will become a board member.
Since my first pregnancy in 2004 and till now, I have learned a great deal. Went to different trainings, the last one was the congress in Berlin.
Now I am 15 weeks pregnant with my second child. My current GP doesn't know a lot about thal. When I went to him at the beginning of my pregnancy I asked him right away for 5 mg folic and vitamine B12 injections. He didn't think that would help. I insisted and got the prescription. Now he knows I know more about thal then he does. So we are seeing eye to eye again. Cause I was mad when he didn't believe me!
My current gynaecologist knows a bit about thal, but also knows I know more, zo he listens very well to what I have to say.
At this moment my Hb level is 7,7. My ferritine level is very high, cause even when you have TM, you still can have iron defficiency also! So always let the docter check your ferritine too!
So my low Hb is purely cause of TM. This means I probably will need a transfusion during this pregnancy. In 2004 my gynaecologist didn't even think about transfusion! These days I am glad they do. But I also know with transfusion you can get other problems, like more antibodies against blood and after your 10th transfusion you have to be aware of iron overload. Both problems won't be a real issue to me at this point, cause I hope I don't need 10 transfusions. But I told my gynaecologist that it will be my call. When I think I need one, I will ask for it. At this point I am taking goor care of myself. Eat proparly, take my vit.B12 shots. take my folic acid amd take a lot of rest. But also staying healthy by walking and riding my bike to work etc. Cause if you don't get any excersise, your condition will get worse faster.
I read about the vit.B12 pills that melt under your tongue: most of the times this doesn't give you enough vit.B12. Shots are better to get the right amount in your body.
I also read a lot about folic acid and sometimes I wonder if the person means mg or mcg.
You need 5 mg folic acid a day (= 5000 mcg)
Also I saw a quetion what can happen to the baby. I know this also first hand. I might say I am lucky I never had a miscarriage or placenta difficulties.
With my first pregnancy my son had brainsparing. This means the veins and arteries around his head were bigger then usual. This because there was less oxygen (cause of low Hb) to give to the baby. So in the last 3 months, most of the blood went to the brain of the baby. In 2004 the docters were scared and wanted to deliver my baby early. They were afraid the baby wouldn't develop enough.
Luckely there were docters in another hospital who knew this is normal with TM. So my son was born on my due date, but he was small. 5 pounds and 48 cm.
With this pregnancy I expect the same will happen. A small baby. I told my gynaecologist he could expect brainsparing and I don't need bedrest for that.
To put everything in a list. When you are pregnant:
- be persistent
- ask for folic acid 5 mg a day
- ask for vit B12
injections- know brainsparing is normal and a smaller baby too (this doesn't aplly to all TM btw)
- ask for your ferritine level, don't take iron tablets cause your docters said so
- exercise
- take a lot of rest
- eat proparly (fruit, vegetables, meat and fish)
- listen to your body
- enjoy your pregnancy
The vitamine E is new for me, I will ask other people within OSCAR if they knew about this. I will get some tomorrow and give it a try. Hopefully my Hb levels will go up. Thanx for that