do's and donts for the ferriprox

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do's and donts for the ferriprox
« on: October 13, 2008, 08:29:19 AM »

I just try ferriprox starting this week.
I'd like to know what are dos and donts when taking the medicine to get maximum benefits of the tablet?
ie like, I sometime drink coffee at work, will it be fine?



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Re: do's and donts for the ferriprox
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2008, 08:57:03 AM »
Hi Teddyjas ,
 WELCOME TO THE FAMILY , here is a link about taking medicines , its all about to take the most benefits to the medicines Expecialy To Ferriprox .. its based on my personal experience and the research articles by our expert Mr.Andy about of taking ferriprox  ... you may also check that post in which i mentioned about the decrease of my ferritin levels .. just write me i will send you the link for that post as well ... please click on the link to view that post ...;highlight=tips+for+medicine

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Re: do's and donts for the ferriprox
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2008, 12:41:38 PM »
Hi Teddyjas,

Welcome,while taking ferriprox,it is advised to test your WBC count every week,because one of the major possible side effects of ferriprox is that it can lower your WBC count,which can lead to serious problems,so keep checking your WBC count every week and if any time you experience flu like symptoms like fever,severe cough,stop ferriprox and get your WBC count checked.

While taking ferriprox,it's better to set times and take tabs on the exact time daily,preferabely after every six or seven hours.And try taking it on empty stomach,it's not a must but once a very valueable member of our site ,who was among those who took ferriprox for like may be 20 years told us that it's more beneficial to take it on empty stomach.I think it's ok to take coffee.

My daughter is on ferriprox since last 3 and half years and by the grace of God we never encountered any problem.

Can i ask how much is your ferritin level,and are you using any other chelator like desferal?


Re: do's and donts for the ferriprox
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2008, 02:28:27 AM »


my ferritin level is about 8000.
Yes I do use desferal, but rarely.

going to try combination of ferriprox and desferal soon as I read its much better.

Umair, I have read the posts you mentioned, thanks :)

maybe the admin can make the post as sticky thread. Just a suggestion.


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Re: do's and donts for the ferriprox
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2008, 05:51:26 AM »
Hi Teddyjas ,
please check this post as well to see the results of using medicine in that way   and combinations therapy ...
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Re: do's and donts for the ferriprox
« Reply #5 on: December 30, 2009, 08:39:12 AM »
I was starting  ferriprox 2 weeks ago, because i had problems with desferal.
But now i have problems with Ferriprox , too :wah
I have headache,dizziness, i am sleepy all day
What to do?Is there any solution which can help me, to feel better?


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Re: do's and donts for the ferriprox
« Reply #6 on: December 30, 2009, 10:08:03 AM »
I was starting  ferriprox 2 weeks ago, because i had problems with desferal.
But now i have problems with Ferriprox , too :wah
I have headache,dizziness, i am sleepy all day
What to do?Is there any solution which can help me, to feel better?

Yikes!! Maybe you can start again with it? I mean slowely getting the amount of ferriprox up? i've had all those problems you mention when I started Exjade. It's horrible, no doubt!  :-\


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Re: do's and donts for the ferriprox
« Reply #7 on: December 30, 2009, 12:09:20 PM »

Give it time, Tedi. Your body needs to get used to it. If time passes and you don't get better, then think what to do. What is your dosage now?

100Xkg/500 these two types are for low and high dose when on combination therapy and
120Xkg/500 is the highest dosage type when on monotherapy with ferriprox.

That's what I know. If anyone knows anything different, please tell.



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Re: do's and donts for the ferriprox
« Reply #8 on: December 30, 2009, 01:01:42 PM »
Thanks girls, today i feel better but last night i took my dosage at  nigth  :-\
Lena, i take 6pills per day.


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Re: do's and donts for the ferriprox
« Reply #9 on: December 30, 2009, 02:58:32 PM »
One thing we have learned is that when you start a new chelator, you should begin with a low dose and work your way up to the desired dosage, so that your body gets used to the new drug. It's too late to try this with you, Tedi, but I want others to remember this when they start a new drug. Staring at a low dose (I suggest about 1/3 dose) will minimize side effects.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


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Re: do's and donts for the ferriprox
« Reply #10 on: December 30, 2009, 03:12:54 PM »
Here we have the right dosage, no lower to higher  :huh


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Re: do's and donts for the ferriprox
« Reply #11 on: December 31, 2009, 08:23:39 AM »
Hi ya All ,
I have headache,dizziness, i am sleepy all day
all this happen's in  starting but after a few months these side-effects disapear .... i xperienced these side-effects in starting but i kept taking it and after a few months these side-effects vanished and never created probleme again .... :)

Best Regards
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