I think putting the needle in is the most painful out of the poll choices, but I'd have to say the most pain is the actual infusion. Over the 8-10 hours, the site gets all red and swollen, and it's very painful and itchy. Sometimes it's so bad that I rip it out in my sleep. 
HI Danielle,
Pricking the needle into the skin is the most painful esp. as Miaki said..when U hit an already bruised site...or what feels like some nerve. (Subq layers don't have nerves do they ?)
The things, I found helpful to prevent red and swollen site over the number of hours is ....you never let the subq needle go in shallow. Choosing the fatty areas helps.
Second, dilute the desferal as much as you can.
Earlier, I used to think that the increasing number of CC/ more the liquid.. the more it is painful. However, the diluting does work....makes it less concentrated, and less toxic to us in the long run anyway.
I know of someone that is allergic, they are prescribed some med/s by the doc, for local application as well as for intake. Also, generic desferal causes way greater irritation than the original desferal brand.
You may already know all this, but I still hope it helps.
Maybe, someone can add about the local remedies used to anaesthetize the subq site, before injecting themself. I have never used any. Is it called Emla cream?