Writing after ages...

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Offline Madhavi

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Writing after ages...
« on: August 23, 2009, 08:14:43 AM »
Hello everyone.....
I have been just a reader for a while now...I dont really have any explanation for that except that maybe I felt that I did not have anything special to report ...so far...
My son Mohanish is scheduled to go in for BMT on the 20th October. He will be admitted into the hospital on the 28th September. Currently it has been 4 weeks of oral chemotherapy((Azathioprine and Hydroxycarbamide) in preparation. He is doing well. So far no problems with it... My daughter Masumi is the donor... They have both been given a general body check up as the first step.
As the day approaches, there are many thoughts that try to penetrate the thick wall of pseudo protection that I have built around me. Another reason that I was avoiding writing anything here... I know you all mean well but I did not want to get into thinking about the unwanted effects of our decision.
The funny thing is that though we know it is not going to be easy it still feels like a sigh of relief to have the day drawing closer in a way. It is like a closure or atleast its beginning.
Mo(thats how we call Mohanish at home) has seen where he has to stay during the hospitalisation. It wasnt a pleasant experience to say the least...but I have prepared him for the whole thing as best as I could and still continue to do so... To have him understand it and bear it is such a blessing... the days ahead will tell for sure...
I wrote in today to tell you all about what is in store for us next... for I know that prayers and good wishes do help in tough times...
I apologise for not being in touch before and I hope that I am not taking you all for granted by hoping that you all will forgive me for that and still be with us through it all...
Lots of love to all
Madhavi Mangat and family
Love and luck to all...


Offline Zaini

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Re: Writing after ages...
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2009, 10:50:40 AM »
Madhavi, :hugfriend

My all prayers are with you and Mo my dear  :hugfriend i hope and i pray that his BMT will be successful and he'll be free of the disorder,please keep updating us.



Offline Madhavi

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Re: Writing after ages...
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2009, 02:41:31 PM »
Thanks a lot Zaini....
Suddenly I am reminded about these lines ...You know when someone said that he didnt believe in God becausehe cannot see Him.His friend asked him if he can see the air, and he said he can only feel it. So his friend said that though many things are unseen they can be felt...
I guess I can feel the love of friends on this site without seeing them...Are you all divine?
Love and luck to all...


Offline Zaini

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Re: Writing after ages...
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2009, 02:47:24 PM »

You write beautifully well :) after reading your post i felt myself on  :cloud9  :rotfl My dear,we are here to spread love and knowledge of what we are going through,and its not necessarily bad,it might be tough at times,but prayers and well wishes of our friends keep us safe.I am really happy for little Mo,give him a big kiss from me  :kiss .

Love always,



Offline Sharmin

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Re: Writing after ages...
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2009, 03:38:56 PM »
Dear Madhavi,

I wish Mohanish a complete recovery, and a very long, healthy life free of thalassemia after this procedure.  We were told in Oakland that lately many of the kids have "sailed" through BMT and are completely cured of the disease.  We were also told that the children are 100% healthy.  Mohanish will do great with this procedure.  My best to our little angel, Masumi who is giving her brother the gift of good health. 

Please keep in touch, our prayers and love are always with you,



Offline Manal

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Re: Writing after ages...
« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2009, 03:40:13 PM »

I can understand your feelings quiet well and i can also understand your concerns. Please be sure that we are all backing you in your decesion and wishing you all the luck in the world. We will keep praying for little Mo and i am sure that everything will go as you wish for. Please update us as much as you can and good luck

Take care



Offline Madhavi

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Re: Writing after ages...
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2009, 03:59:41 AM »
Thank you Zaini...again and Sharmin and Manal.....
Love and luck to all...


Offline Dori

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Re: Writing after ages...
« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2009, 09:17:00 PM »

Thank you so much for letting us know. I would like to keep up to date. As for the silent reader part, we all learn every day & I'm sure you will become a good adviser about in your city.
My friend fly (sp?) this night back to the Netherlads. Her grandmother and family lives in Gangzhou. She lives there untill age 11. She hopes to return to het city soon. Ito be short if i come to GZ i will you all a good cake.
Anyway, if you think it would be difficult to keep family and friends up to date you could try/think about blogspot, www.caringbridge,com, www.carepages.com (registeration is needed to read entries) or something else.
I like what you said. I too believe we can feel the love of each other through the net.

All my warm wishes to you and your family,

p.s. I noted 20th in my agenda.


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Re: Writing after ages...
« Reply #8 on: August 24, 2009, 09:19:32 PM »
My Iphone didn't let me editing my other post.

I wanted to say that we are here to support you all, we are here as you need to vent, cry, laugh, tell your stories, problems and randomness.

Sleep well


Offline Madhavi

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Re: Writing after ages...
« Reply #9 on: August 25, 2009, 12:23:31 AM »
Dear Dore....
Thanks for your write up....
Did you say that you will be visiting Guangzhou in September? Do give me a call whenever....00-86-13728097556.
Love and luck to all...


Offline Dori

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Re: Writing after ages...
« Reply #10 on: August 25, 2009, 12:56:46 AM »
I'm sorry - my fault - it won't be before Summer '10.  I elerote your telepho number in my address book. So you can remove it (if that's what you want).

Ok I'm ready for my 4th try to get in DreamWorld.



Offline jade

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Re: Writing after ages...
« Reply #11 on: August 26, 2009, 01:33:05 AM »
i wish you best of luck.  May the BMT be successful.
Take care


Offline Madhavi

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Re: Writing after ages...
« Reply #12 on: August 26, 2009, 04:16:39 AM »
Thanks a lot Jade....
Love and luck to all...


Offline Lena

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Re: Writing after ages...
« Reply #13 on: August 26, 2009, 09:45:59 AM »

I wish the best for Mo and may everything turn out successful for you and your family.
I fully understand what you feel but the time calls for optimism.

Best of luck,



Offline Madhavi

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Re: Writing after ages...
« Reply #14 on: August 26, 2009, 02:21:32 PM »
Thanks a lot Lena....
It is nice to be able to get such nice messages from people who really understand what we currently are and will later go through....as opposed to the others who can only give us sympathy....actually shying away from that for such a long time made me do the same here too I guess... I forgot that there is a huge difference in here and elsewhere...for here I get understanding and empathy unlike plain statements...of course they are friends too but what it is to be in our shoes and experience the shoe-bite is something they can only imagine!
Thanks again all of you lovely people....
Today we had been for the weekly CBC for Mo and he is doing ok...the WBC are on a real slow decline....so probably they will hit the target as it is the day!Still time for that but feeling better equipped after sharing the story with you all....
Love and luck to all...


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