When there is darkness...there is always a light...
When there are tears...there always appears a smile...
When there is despair...there is always hope...
When there is loneliness...there are always friends...
When there is nothing...there is something yet to cling to...
When there is thalassemia...there is thalpal to turn to...
If one hasnt been here and become a part of this family...they really have no idea what they are missing out on...maybe it is like being orphans in the world of thal!
Andy, I have not known you personally, but then saints arent necessarily known personally by those whose lives they touch, am I right? But like we thank the Almighty for the countless blessings He gave us...you sure are something to be thankful for all life long...
This is like a temple of peace-it is where one finally comes home ...where one is sure to have people who love, care, empathise, sympathise, share, worry, befriend...and just make you theirs...this is home...this is family!

May all those here be blessed always and those yet not here...be shown the way!

Love to all....