Hi everyone,
Although I have had three healthy children, my eldest two were born when I was 20 and 23 years old respectively. My third child was born when I was 37 and since his birth I have had three miscarriages. The first loss was in August 2008 (I was 9 wks), the second in February 2009 (13 wks) and the last one, two weeks ago (15wks) - I turned 40 this past Sunday.
Even though I've been told since I was 19 (when I discovered that I had Thal Minor) that I would be asymptomatic, I have long thought otherwise. I just recently found info online where other Thal Minor carriers expressed the same thing. I am so happy to have found this site! I am convinced that as I have become older, the symptoms are more pronounced and have a greater effect on me. I have ALWAYS been low-energy/lethargic at times, mildly depressed, short of breath just bending over to pick something up etc! Same story of doctors not giving much attention to the Thal minor. Of course, having a toddler is tiring, but I have been beyond exhausted since my son was born. With my first pregnancy, I was young and didn't seem to need any extra iron, but even by the second pregnancy my OB was concerned and gave me iron injections as my levels were getting low. Fast forward 14 years to my third pregnancy and this OB was going to give me transfusions as my levels were at an all-time low! I managed to get my levels within a (barely) acceptable range by taking Floradix iron supplement and so transfusions weren't needed in the end. But, since then, I have had these three sad losses. My hunch is that my levels were so depleted with my last successful pregnancy, compounded by being older now, that not enough has been done to bring my levels up to an optimum (as much as it can be for a Thal minor) in order to sustain pregnancy.
I see my OB again in a few weeks and now that I'm armed with more info I'm going to be telling him all about this.
Anyone else experience something similar and have some encouraging words should we try again for another baby?
Any insight is appreciated