It is far too early to expect results from chelation. If he is having problems from kelfer, it would be best to minimize how much he takes and replace it with Asunra on those days. If at all possible, get him to still take desferal at least twice weekly. Be patient. I often see that it takes over a year to see the ferritin to drop when using Asunra. Iron will be removed from organs first, so you won't see a drop in ferritin, but this is OK, as long as chelation is faithful. I have seen this same pattern since the very first trials of Exjade. It requires patience and compliance. His ferritin is high enough that you can be sure it will take time at the proper doses to show results. Using desferal will hasten the drop, so encourage him with the thought that once his iron load is under control, he will be able use Asunra alone.