Hello Andy, Emby, Hanumant Aashrit,
I totally agree with the official recommendation that the food iron is inconsiderable and much less than the iron we take with our transfusions. Never have I taken into account the intaken food iron. If you chelate well, there is no matter at all about the iron rich food you take.
My diet has not affected my ferritin level either high or low. Ferritin is always connected to chelation.
Hanumant Aashrit,
thanks for your kind words. By bt you mean blood transfusion? If yes, I get one blood unit every 2 weeks.
I am very touched by your trust in God. This is something I have noticed about the Muslims and I respect it. In Western world we have lost this touch. I am sure H wil be o.k since he has stopped exjade and his body comes back to normal. Be patient.
In my Thal Unit we take a lot of supplements, but I think you already know about them as Andy has mentioned them again and again.
No matter how high or low my HB is, I always feel the same. Since I was a kid, I have been feeling the same. That goes with ferritin, too.
As for H's ferritin, the lower the better, always within normal ranges of course. And the MRI is to be done every year. Some doctors say every 2 years if the results are good. I do not agree, because if you do it each year and the results get worse, you can correct it by making stronger efforts while in two years, you would have lost a year and then it is harder to correct it. (My personal opinion, anyway.)