Hi Michele,
Welcome to thalassemia patients and friends. Thalassemia minor can be associated with many symptoms mild to severe. Fatigue, aches, dizziness, headaches and other symptoms have often been associated with thalassemia.
Iron rarely alleviates the symptoms of thalassemia minor, and in some cases can cause serious problems. Unless if iron is proven to be low, iron supplements should not be taken if you have thalassemia. As blood breaks down more often in thalassemia minor, iron supplements can lead to iron accumulation in organs which cannot be seen unless iron studies are done.
Folic acid, a diet high in antioxidants, wheat grass and several other things can alleviate the symptoms of thalassemia minor. Also, if you have thalassemia you should eat small meals every 2 to 3 hours (never go longer than 3 hours without eating) to keep blood sugar levels and blood pressure regulated. Make sure that the snacks are healthy - apples, nuts, bananas etc. Exercise, especially resistance exercise will help build strong bones, muscles and increase general well being. Keeping well hydrated will help also. Be sure to take a multi vitamin without iron, and it may be a good idea to take a b complex supplement.
For more information, also see the nutrition and supplements section of the forum - there is a topic on thalassemia minor.
You are not alone

Best of luck and we look forward to more posts!
Once again welcome to thalpal!