Today is one of the important festivals of is called Dasera or Vijaya Dashami...
It is to celebrate the victory of God king Ram over the evil king Ravan. The battle went on for 9 days and then on the 10th day that is Dasera...Ravan was slain...His end symbolises the end of evil and victory of goodness...
Another story that also explains this festival is the Goddess Kali had a fierce battle with a demon Mahishasur for 9 days and nights and was victorious on the 10th back home in many parts of Western India there is a celebration of 9 nights with dances called Garba and Dandiya...
Of course devout Hindus fast for nine days and then have a feast on the 10th(we just have a feast without the precursor of the fast!

)... The feast could range from anything like a simple daily meal or a lavish feast of whichever delicacies one is fond of...But there has to be a sweet for sure...
So today as I wish all my friends a happy Dasera-irrespective of where they are...they are all invited to share a hearty Indian meal to my home and the love in my heart...
May all the evil from our lives be destroyed and love and goodness prevail...
Love to all...