Day 23-
Mohanish is doing well.Visibly he looks better. He is less cranky now. He ate quite well compared to the last 2 days and maybe because he had his pork!
I tried to cook it the best I could in terms of boiling and cooking it thoroughly.
The platelets were transfused yesterday and did not really affect his counts, so maybe he will be given another unit today or tomorrow.
No fever. The tachycardia is now bradycardia because of the preservatives that are used to preserve the cord blood affect him so! But that is expected and nothing to worry about. His urine output is a little low still as he is not drinking enough water still... So just forcing him to have frequent small sips. Else prospects seem better now.
We had many friends visiting him today. Though he really did not talk much with them all, he was sure glad to have them.
We have a friend here who helped me get the list of prospective blood donors grow as long as 20+! He was happy to visit Mo and see that he is doing better. He has a whole lot of people calling up and following up about Mos progress...It feels nice to have love flowing in from such avenues...
Masumi is fit and fine...and I wonder if when they aspirated the bone marrow, they replaced it with some naughtiness potion!

She is becoming naughtier since then! I wonder if she is too divine even to be an angel...she just is what one needs anytime in life to be the saviour from whatever trouble we seem to have...seeing her play and smile and just be around makes all the negatives just disappear!
I am tired of saying it, but it is such a blessing to have you all...and you all are always with me in my thoughts and give me so much strength and love that is really the need of the hour!
God bless you all...