Day 3...reminds me of the time I had my exams during school and college days...the toughest part was to wait for them to begin...and then gladly the days just flew...!
He is in much better spirits than the time the central line was put almost seems like a distant memory already...he is doing quite well...and seeing him like that is really a good thing!
He has people calling him and speaking to him as also people meeting him...yesterday 3 of our friends met him and probably that helps us all cope too...And of course to add to it all he has all your wishes from the world over...
He is telling all that he is going to be stronger than us all and then save us from the 'bad men'!And after having Spiderman,Batman and even Scream masks at home, the new 'XXX' boy wants me to buy him the XXX mask!
And seeing the other parents who visit their kids in the other beds in that ward and interacting them helps me learn more about their experiences and it reminds me of you all all the more...that one seems like a BMT thalpal!

Nothing much to report case there is I will try to write in after I come back from the hospital at night...
Will not thank you all for your love and support again and much can one hammer in a nail of gratitude anyways

Love to all....