Hello All,
I'm new here and have found a lot of wonderful information, thank you all for sharing.
I have a question though... I have known my whole life that I have Thal Minor. However, after having 2 miscarriages (16 yrs after a normal perfect pregnancy) and switching doctors, I was informed that I also have a C677T mutation. Since finding out I have miscarried 2 more times.
I'm currently pg again... and praying I will not lose my 5, consecutive child... in 1.5 years.
TTC has been the most horrific painful experiences of my life... I'm determined to have another child though.
I'm wondering if anyone has both the Thal Minor and C677T mutation.
I just don't know what to do anymore, and so this pg I've settled with doing nothing. When I was PG with my daughter, I did nothing, I took no vitamins, no prenatals, no baby aspirin, nothing. The PG was honestly... perfect.
When I was PG with my first after her, I didn't know (I had experienced 6+ yrs of unexplained infertility and had just made an appt to see a specialist when I found out I was already PG), so I didn't take any prenatals, etc. I started taking prenatals when I found out, and within roughly two weeks, the baby passed away. I was between 10 - 12 wks pg at the time.
With my 2nd, I waited several weeks after I found out to start taking prenatals, and within several weeks of taking them, the baby passed away. I was 8 wks pg that time.
With my 3rd... I had a huge cyst on my left ovary which popped, sending me to the floor in pain, and I ovulated on CD8 (way earlier than normal)... that baby never made it to the heartbeat stage, and showed signed of abnormalities from the first u/s (I had an u/s at 6 weeks - empty gestational sac, u/s at 7 wks - sac with enlarged abnormal yolk sac, u/s at 8 wks - normal yolk sac, smaller gestational sac, u/s at 10 wks, fetal pole w/o heartbeat, no yolk sack... m/c at 11 wks).
With my 4th... I took my prenatals, I took my folic acid, I took my baby aspirin all from the first day of my cycle. That baby never made it to the yolk sac stage. I had a blighted ovum.
With this 5th, I'm obviously afraid to take any kind of meds/vitamins at all. I refuse to make an appt until I reach the 2nd tri, because there hasn't been anything the dr can do to save my PGs and I'd rather feel happy knowing I'm PG then stressed about whether or not there's a heartbeat, or a fetal pole, and then living with the sadness and disappointment for many weeks to m/c after finding out there's not. (I have never done a D & C and never will, I always let go naturally) I'm not even keeping track of how far along I am.. I have a group of girls doing that for me.
I don't really feel any symptoms of my Thal minor. I don't feel tired normally, when I get PG I do start to experience moments of tiredness... but... I'm PG, it's a normal symptom.
I'm just not sure if I'm handling this PG correctly or not. My instinct tells me to do what I'm doing, and carry on stress/worry free. But I'm an over-thinker and now I'm afraid that it's not my usual accurate and strong female intuition, but instead my own insecurities due to so many losses after so many years of infertility...
Any opinions, advice, support, uplifting stories of encouragement???