Hi there Panos, Zaini, Manal...
Thank you for your replies!
I went and did an ultra sound yesterday, the one where you have to drink this liquid and then they inject colour in your veins. They seem to be satisfied with the results and the pain I had was a cyst that broke. I guess it will just take time to recover and I must just have patience.
The surgeon wants to see me next week again and then decide what to do with the fluids as it's a month tomorrow and has no signs of going below 100cm3 / dy.
Yes, we do have the liquid form of the L1 and she has put me on the list to take it. I will probably start in about 2 months time again.
I've never really been effected or thought oif having Thalassaemia until I was about 25yrs old, at that age, alot of things starting to get to me and got me pretty stressed out aswell. I also miss having a father as he was murdered in South Africa when I was 5 yrs old and my brother 3. Life does go on yes, but there is a void that won't be filled.
Thank you uys for listening and being there.
Take care and god willing, insha allah, we'll speak again....