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Re: Hello everyone
« Reply #15 on: May 27, 2006, 05:22:38 AM »
In the so called developed country people are very cold and very materialistic and indifferent to one another

Hello Kathy,

I understand your frustrations as we (people in developing countries) face this problem frequently too. But I think that it does not depend on the fact whether your country is a developed one or not. I guess it mainly depend on the mentality that varies from person to person. Here, some doctors are so kind and caring that they buy expensive medication from their own pocket for the patients, while on the other hand there are some heartless ones that don't even care to sit in their offices; and when an emergency is at hand, they are no where to be found!
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Re: Hello everyone
« Reply #16 on: May 30, 2006, 11:27:27 PM »
Hello Kathy,

Sajid is right.  It seems that some health professionals train because they are deeply passionate about helping people, and some because a certain position is deemed prestigious or has a good salary.  Some will be more helpful and some less.

I am deeply concerned that you are not getting access to good treatment, and more importantly a doctor that you trust.  There are three centres that Miaki has listed there, and it might be worth your effort to seek a second opinion from one of the other centres.  Please don't feel that you can't get help and that nobody cares!  We all care! 

Like Mustho, I also thought that if you were a thal minor and a sickle cell carrier that the condition can be quite severe, and requires blood transfusion.

Do you have a list of questions to take with you to the doctor?  It is very important that the doctor is able to answer those for you.  Have you thought about taking a friend or someone to the consultation with you?  It is often so hard to remember what the doctor has said when you leave, and if you have someone else with you they can often help clarify what was said.

I am sorry to hear you are having so much trouble.




Re: Hello everyone
« Reply #17 on: July 09, 2006, 01:33:39 AM »
Hello to all my friends,

I hope you are all doing well or the best you can.
As for myself  I did took your suggestion and I got another GP.She is thourough and she found that I have Diabetic after a fasting blood sugar tests.she further  requested a glusose tolerance test ,that I will be getting the result this coming wednesday,still I know the outcome because I went hypoglyceamic while waiting for the first hour blood test, that is because that particular test is done over two and a half hours.MY body couldn't cope with  extra glocose and it was not the first time this happen ,She is also looking into stabilizing my high blood presure and high cholestrol by increasing my medications and gave some new one too.I fell better for it, I now have less pain.
My best rgards to all of you and thank-you for you support you are my friends and the best kind to have that is because your acceptance is unconditional.Kathy

I have been seeing her on a weekly basis,I'm satisfied that she is trying her best,
As for the increase in my lymph nodes is still pendind intill further test and reviewed in few weeks time.


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Re: Hello everyone
« Reply #18 on: July 09, 2006, 05:57:41 AM »
Hi Kathi,
     It's good to hear that you are getting some help.  After all you have been through, it must be good to have a doctor who is finally givng you some answers. Sorry that you may be diabetic, but at least you know what is going on. Good luck with the lymph node problem - hope it turns out to be something that is not bad. We all support you, and are here for you. Take care,  Jean     :five


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Re: Hello everyone
« Reply #19 on: July 09, 2006, 01:51:46 PM »
Hey Kathy,

Good to hear you finally found somebody that is able to help you and has resolved some of your health issues.

Wishing you all the best of luck and please stay in touch with us from time to time.




Re: Hello everyone
« Reply #20 on: July 09, 2006, 11:33:03 PM »

Thanks Jean and Miaki and everyone.
My journey with thals is less painfull because of your caring and kindness,I'm so blessed that I'm part of this wonderfull family.The pleasure is all mine .good luck to all of you :wink



Re: Hello everyone
« Reply #21 on: August 17, 2006, 12:08:02 AM »
Hi all members ,
I hope you are  feeling the best you can.
Could any one explain to me what is anisocytosis, polychramasia and target cells and teardrop red cells.with elevated white cells count and elevated liver protein and gamma gt.I'm so confused .I feel as if the doctor is not paying attention.
I went there to see about the increase in the lyphm nodes but the doctor didnt seems to want to go into it ,he didn't even mentioned it ,changed the topic when I tried to talked about it,Yes, I was alocated to another doctor there is no continuity and it get confusing they are driving me round the bend.he asked if" I know that they cant do much for me "   He requested that I went back and do Bences Joines urine tests which I already did three months ago and they lost my results.
In the meantime my blood pressure and cholestrol continue to be problematic.I know I'm not well but I also need clarifacation .PLease help me undestand those above terms .regards  kathy


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Re: Hello everyone
« Reply #22 on: August 17, 2006, 03:03:13 AM »
Dear Kathy

Sorry to hear your not doing well again. I hope things do resolve but here is some info I found for you.

Anisocytosis means that the red cells are of unequal size. It is a feature of many anemias, and other blood conditions, and does not have much diagnostic value. The 'red cell distribution width' (RDW) is a quantitative measure of the degree of anisocytosis. The RDW is useful in the differential diagnosis of microcytic anemia. Most cases of iron deficiency have a raised RDW, and most cases of thalassemia trait have a normal RDW.

New red cells contain RNA, which they lose after 1-2 days in the circulation. Enumerating reticulocytes therefore gives a measure of marrow red cell production. The RNA can only be seen in a specially-stained blood film, as a 'reticulum' (hence the name). On the regular blood film, reticulocytes have a greyish tinge, which is known as 'polychromasia'.

Please click on the following site to see the explanation in regards to tear drop shaped cells

You mentioned your white cell count is elevated this is called leukocytosis and can result from  bacterial infections, inflammation, trauma, or stress.

Also you talk about elevated liver protein and gamma gt ......I found the following site very useful in understanding what all this means and also how the liver works. please click to read the info.

You might be brewing some infection in your body and fingers crossed you dont need anything else execpt for Kathy time to relax and get better. We tend to burn the candle at both ends and our body just cant take the heat at times. I am one of those people.

However do keep at your doctor and if your not happy search for another. I know your probably all searched out with doctors but keep at it and ask questions, hound them. Its about you and you need answers. Please dont take the above info as professional advise, just trying to help out in understanding what it all means.

I hope it helps, let us know how you go hun.

Best wishes Miaki



Re: Hello everyone
« Reply #23 on: August 17, 2006, 05:54:13 AM »
Thanks Miaki. I appreciated your effort and its good to know  whats going on .The wed-site are very usefull for my learning.
I agree with you ,I was not bless with patience :biggrin :biggrin I do tend to rush into everything and maybe do burn the candle at both ends.
My excuse is I have to make the most of everyday and my body does not like it at times.)
I so glad I've got your suport  .God bless you and everyone on this site. regards Kathy


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