Hello everyone
Just an update for my son and some questions too.
I did a CBC yesterday and results wereas follows:
Hb: 7
Hematocrit: 23% (has increased)
Red cell count: 3.55
MCV: 65 (increased)
Leucocytic count: 6,600
Platelets: 237000
Biliruin: 1.8
All kidney and liver functions are normal
More than a month ago, i did the TSH and was a bit high than the normal, 4.5 and the range is (0.3- 4.3), so the doctor ordered a full test for thyroid and the results were:
Free T3: 3.66 (2.5-5.3)
Free T4: 0.8 (0.9-1.8)
TSH: 1.803 (0.3- 4.3)
So the TSH is back to normal, thanks God but the Free T4 is now a little low than the normal, should i be concerned or it is aminor difference. Andy could you please comment on this
On Sunday i will be visiting the doctor but last month, his weight and height was normal for his age and also the rate of growth was normal too.
Concerning the hydroxyurea, three months after we started it, his Hb reached almost 8 (actually it was 7.9) then the following two he had several infections and the Hb went down to 6.5 again due tothe infection.
Now he has been fine from mid of September, why the HB hasn't gone up again?? Why?

I am so frustrated because any time he can geta coldnow (due to weather changes) and the the HB will fall again.
It is as if i am up the stairs but i am can not reach the top, just standing in my place and infections have no mercy

Ahmad is taking 350 mg daily (17.5 per kilo) now of hydrea, do you think the dose should be increased though i prefer not to exceed the 20mg per kilo as recommended by the Iranina studies to be a safe dose with no complications