im rozmeen 24 indian-gujarati...

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im rozmeen 24 indian-gujarati...
« on: December 05, 2009, 03:22:48 PM »
hi everyone,

im very new to this site adn also a very busy mom of 2 naughty kiddos :)
so dont get much tym to read more over here but im much interested in knowing about beta thal
minor as this iswht im sufferin from lyk many other frns here.

well i wanna say my story. my hb is always around 9.5 and in both pregnanacies it went down to 7 so needed 2 transfusions. all asked me at tht tym why r u lookin so pale? and tht pinchd me lyk anything :(

my elder son is 5 yr while younger is 1 yr old and even they both look pale thts wht i feel.let c whn i will get thm tested after some yrs.

everything else is going fine in lyf...just sometimes i envy the high energy and pink faces accompanied wid red lips of all my in laws along wid my hubby:)
its nice to hear everyones story here sufferin more or less from thal coz i feel im not alone wid some symptoms non understable to normal people..

and thanks to Zaini,she guided me to get started :))




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Re: im rozmeen 24 indian-gujarati...
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2009, 04:12:26 PM »

Welcome to the site  :hugfriend  We are very happy to have you here.  I completely understand you as I am a thal minor as well.  Somedays it is difficult keeping up with people whose hemoglobins are 4 to 5 points higher than ours.  They rarely realize how much harder we are always working just to keep up.  At the same time, I am glad that your husbands family does not have the gene because it allows your children to be free from thal major or intermedia.   

I was also very anemic during my preganancies and I was transfused once during my second preganancy. 

Once again, welcome to thalassemia patients and friends and we look forward to your posts!

Take care,



Offline Zaini

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Re: im rozmeen 24 indian-gujarati...
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2009, 07:05:34 PM »
You are very welcome Rozmeen :welcomewagon

My story is not much different then yours ,except that i was able to escape transfusions during pregnancies,although my hb did drop,i also have low enerfy levels most of the times,but there are a few supplements that can help you with your energy levels,Like Vitamin B (B Complex),Folic acid and lack of Vitamin D can also contribute to fatigue,since i started taking Vitamin D supplements i felt a significant change in my energy levels,since my D levels were really low.

Try to read through our thal minor and diet and nutrition section as much as you can :) .



Re: im rozmeen 24 indian-gujarati...
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2009, 07:37:06 PM »

my elder son is 5 yr while younger is 1 yr old and even they both look pale thts wht i feel.let c whn i will get thm tested after some yrs.

Why wait few years??.

Re: im rozmeen 24 indian-gujarati...
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2009, 06:28:36 AM »
salam sharmin and zaini,

thank u sooo much 4 ur warm welcome  :biggrin

and prompt replies :)

zaini i wanna knw hw to get vit d tested means its a blood test? and b complex im takin its without  b12 and not helping me much  :(
actually in my second pregnancy even transfusions did not help rise my hb so doctor said it seems lyk b12 deficiency so i took 14 injections of b 12 in vein and tht helped to go jst 1 gm above.he said my intestines cant absorb much of b 12 so i must take it directly in blood.

and u ppl knw about who claim to cure thal minor thru homeopathic medicines?r they true?they hve a inquiry section but dnt answer :huh

okay friends,catch u later
take care,
Allah hafidh.


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Re: im rozmeen 24 indian-gujarati...
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2009, 05:50:47 PM »
Salam Rozmeen,

Yes Vitamin D can be tested through blood test,its called 25 hydroxy Vitamin D test.

Re: im rozmeen 24 indian-gujarati...
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2009, 03:23:37 AM »

thanks Zaini.

but hw did u manage to escape transfusions? wht helped u rose your hemoglobin?
Even Sharmin says she ws transfused only in one pregnancy!

Pls let me knw u guys.


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Re: im rozmeen 24 indian-gujarati...
« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2009, 02:23:38 PM »

In my first pregnancy,i wasn't diagnosed as thal minor,during pregnancy my hb was about 8 and after delivery it fell to 7,but they transfused me with IV iron assuming it was iron deficiency anemia,a common mistake made by doctors,in my second one,we knew that i have thal minor,but fortunately my hb didn't go below 8,so i was able to escapr transfusion again,my gynea did offer me a transfusion after delivery,but i refused saying hopefully i'll cover it through diet and supplements.



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