Thanks guys for sharing your experiences.
Jean/all : I'm 31 year old. My health is OK. I won't say very good but won't say bad either. I do feel little tired by the end of the day. My Hb level is around 8, though there was a time when I got a viral infection causing it to drop to 6.8; I was transfused 2 units that time. I have a big spleen (around 22cm) and my doctor is currently evaluating if splenectomy should be done or not. Basically, for few months it'll be a wait and watch on my Hb/health.
Sajid: I can understand how you feel. As far as my diet is concerned, i eat decent servings but still don't gain weight. I can understand, what it feels to look underage.
Smurfette: I like your advise regarding exercising/swimming and eating healthy. Its admirable that you are so disciplined.
Has anyone ever tried weight gain shakes/ whey protein supplements? Any luck with them in gaining weight?
Also guys, recently I got my lipid panel tested and my cholestrol was abnormally low : HDL as well as LDL. Though the ratio is still OK and in the nornal range, but the fact that its so low is not good either. My doctor is not worried about low cholestrol (probably she has remedy to reduce cholestrol levels and not increase

). I wanted to check with you and with the other ppl in forum if anyone other than me has similar lipid profile. Is their a relation between low cholestrol and thalessemia? Or low cholestrol and body weight?
Looking forward for your comments/advice/experience on same.